Cloud Risk Management

Cloud Risk Management
Cloud Risk Management
Cloud Risk Management
Cloud Risk Management

Cloud Risk Management is the process of assessing, securing, and managing all kinds of risks that come with Cloud computing. It looks at your organization’s cloud footprint as a whole. The Risk Management process involves figuring out how well an organisation can deliver services within a certain amount of time and show that it cares about security and privacy. Cloud Risk Management helps companies figure out the risks that come with using cloud computing services. It helps organisations make the security changes they need and make sure their business operations work well together. It can also help you decide what cloud computing services to use if you want to outsource. When it’s done right, Cloud Risk Management makes operations more efficient and helps businesses grow.

Benefits of Service

Cloud risk management has many benefits, including the ability to

Approach & Methodology

How We Handle Cloud Risk: CCM, CStar, and ISO27017

About Us

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    First study  We do an initial study of your business to find out how you plan to grow, where you're having trouble now, and what your business goals are. This will let us narrow the scope of the Cloud, which will help you save money and time on the rollout.

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    Scope Definition Our team will help you find and understand the right IAAS, PAAS, SAAS, etc. cloud platform models. We also help your management set up timelines, responsibilities, and a budget for the implementation as part of Scope Definition.

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    Data Flow Analysis We find all the places where your data is stored in the Cloud and make a map of who has access to or can get to your sensitive data. We also keep track of how your data is spread out around the world.

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    Check rules and procedures Our experts look at the regulatory and legal requirements of your Cloud Provider and how well it meets them.


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    DR Check  We also check how ready your Cloud Provider is for a disaster and make sure that your business can keep running if something goes wrong.

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    Check the topology Based on what your business needs, our team looks at the network design, virtualization topology (if any), intrusion detection checks, failover controls, etc.

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    Look at your Cloud Service Provider's We carefully look at how users are managed, how data is kept separate among the many clients the provider serves, how data is backed up and restored, how data is encrypted and decrypted, how data is categorised, and how data is managed at offsite locations.

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    VA/PT Our team of testers does a Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing of the Cloud Infrastructure from the inside and outside.

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    Markers of Progress Write down clear milestones and roles and responsibilities for your move to the cloud.

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    Getting recommendations out there Since any Cloud rollout involves a lot of technology, our Infrastructure Advisory Services team will help your internal team roll out recommendations like a clean CDE (Card Data Environment) processing room, network segregation, log correlation, encryption, SIEM, product proof of concept, NAC/WAF assessment, IPV6, etc.

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    Pre-assessment A separate team of experts does a Pre-assessment of your setup after a reasonable amount of time has passed.

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    Cloud Certification Once all controls are confirmed to be in place, we give out a CStar or similar certificate of compliance that can be used in court.

Frequently Asked Questions

The number, variety, and complexity of threats are growing at an alarming rate. Many specialists in the field of cybersecurity have seen a dramatic increase in external cyber assaults, particularly those launched by criminal groups and foreign governments.

The ease of mobile devices and the ability to be "online all the time" are two major benefits. Mobile devices have been extensively used by governments for the purposes of increasing access to government resources and the efficiency of government employees.
However, there are inherent security concerns and additional points of entry to the network when mobile devices are used for communication and data exchange. It's undeniable that mobile malware risks are on the rise, and lost or stolen devices are a major mobile security risk.
The usage of one's own mobile device at work, as well as the need for user identification, both pose additional dangers. A variety of recommendations for government agencies may be found in the NIST paper "Guidelines for Managing the Security of Mobile Devices in the Enterprise" (SP 800-124).

Cybersecurity spending should go toward developing capacities like cyber tools and education. However, cyber security cannot be an afterthought in the planning stages of any project, programme, or management effort; rather, it must be "baked into" each one from the start. Every company should include cyber security funding in their annual budget since it is a necessary expense.

People know something about cyber security, but not enough to keep themselves safe. Most people probably also know how important it is to keep data safe and that cyber threats are getting worse.Effective cyber security, on the other hand, is something that both the government as a whole and the people who work for or are served by the state government need to keep working on.
This ability needs to be used, tested, and improved on a regular basis through awareness training in order to fight not only aggressive cyber threats, but also cyber events that happen by accident.

Yes. Cloud services promise to offer flexibility, scalability, measured service, and some cost savings, but they also pose more security risks when it comes to accessing and storing government data and authenticating users.
When judging cloud computing in general and the different deployment models, it's important to know how much cloud services cost and how safe they are (public, private, hybrid, community). Cloud services made for consumers that are used by government workers pose extra risks because they might not have strict security controls.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework might be the best place to start. The Framework is a guide that uses the standards, rules, and best practises that are already in place. The Framework gives organisations a common taxonomy and a way to:
  • Describe their current state of cyber security and where they want to be in terms of cyber security.
  • Identify and rank opportunities for improvement in a process that is ongoing and can be repeated;
  • Check how close you are to your goal;
  • Talk about cyber security risk with both internal and external stakeholders.

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